All pieces shown at relative scale
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Coffee Carafe
Carlton Dutch Pitcher, 7"
Carlton Pitcher, 6"
Carlton Pitcher, 12"
Carlton Pitcher, 10.5"
Carlton Cream Pitcher, 3"
Carlton Ring Pitcher, 9.5"
Tumble Up, carafe with cup
Stoneware Pitcher, 5.5"
Stoneware Pitcher, 7.5"
Carafe, 6-cup
San Diego International Expo Carafe, 6-cup
Ball Pitcher
Beer Pitcher
Ice Lip Pitcher
Pitcher, 1-qt.
Pitcher, 2-qt.
Pitcher, 3-qt.
Pitcher, 1.5-pt.
Restyled Pitcher, 5.5"
Restyled Pitcher, 6.5"
Coffee Carafe, 6-cup
Syrup Pitcher, 1-pt.
Wine Carafe